Streevani ventures on participatory research projects and transform the results of these findings into writings and documents of various kinds and levels, to provide a basis for policy making decisions, actions and programmes. The research is facilitated by documentation and a reference library. Currently the Streevani bulletin "Birthing a new Vision" has been a way to bring about feminist consciousness.
As a dynamic movement, we are committed to the following objectives:
Sl.No | Dissemination of Resources | Authors / Editors |
1 | Women as Equal Disciples: Unfinished Task of the Church (2016) Virginia Saldanha | Virghese Theckanath, Julie George |
2 | The Divine Feminine: Towards a Biblical Gynaecology (2015) | Subhash Anand |
3 | Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, The Criminal Law amendment Act, 2013 (simplified version), (2014) | Women Religious Lawyers Forum |
4 | Gender justice and Catholic Church: Beliefs and Behaviours: A Scientific Study (2014) | Streevani |
5 | Living Nirbhaya: Pathways to Violence Free Church and Society (2014) | Varghese Theckanath S.G. and Julie George SSpS |
6 | Man, Woman and God Talk: Gender Inclusive Language (2013) | Julie George SSpS, Varghese Theckanath S.G. |
7 | Gender Relations in the Church: a call to wholeness and equal discipleship (2012) | Astrid Lobo Gajiwala, Varghese Theckanath S.G., Raynah Braganza Passanha |
8 | Women’s image making and shaping (1985) English | Fr. Peter Fernando & Frances Yasas |
9 | Streevani Collage (1985) | Frances Yasas |
10 | Struggling to be Myself (1985) | Sujatha Gothskar |
11 | Pan on Fire (English & Marathi) | Sumitra Bhave |
12 | Images of women in Dalit Men’s Autobiographies | Shobha Bhagavat |
13 | A Flower has Bloomed | Frances Yasas |
14 | Bai - A 16mm colour documentary film in Marathi | Sumitra Bhave (Produced jointly by Streevani and Ishvani Kendra) |
15 | Mythakvani (English & Marathi) 1995 | |
16 | A Study of Innovative Development Projects by Religious Sisters (1997) | |
17 | Emerging Indian Women - Seminar Papers (1996) | |
18 | Women in Court (1997) | Dr. Usha Bambawala |